Clothing/Textile Swap

Clothing/Textile Swap

Clothing/Textile Swap:  Recycle, Repurpose, Repair, Reduce


Fitchburg Library, 5530 Lacy Rd, Fitchburg, WI  54711
January 25, 1-4pm

BRING: clothing, shoes, purses, hats, all wearables, etc. Take as much as you want whether you bring something or not!

Hosted by Fibershed Heartland

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Fiber Arts Supplies Swap

Fiber Arts Supplies Swap

aka “stash swap”
FREE Event

Bring yarn, fabric, fleece, books, tools you aren’t using.
Take home something new!

No need to bring something to take something, and no need to take something if you bring something

All are welcome!

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Round Barn Fiber Mill Tour

Round Barn Fiber Mill Tour

Marge & Jim, Fibershed Heartland members, are giving us a behind the scenes tour where they make roving, batts, cloud, plied yarns, & corespun rug yarn from their heritage Jacob sheep, as well as for other shepherds raising sheep, alpacas, llamas, camels, goats, rabbits, etc.

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Mending Workshop

Mending Workshop

Keep your clothes out of the landfill and extend the life of beloved items. Wearing a piece of clothing for an

additional nine months can reduce the footprint of that item by twenty percent. Bring something that needs

mending and learn tips and tricks for (mostly) invisible or creative visible mending techniques. Everyone is

welcome. No experience necessary.

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Annual Bread and Roses Potluck

Annual Bread and Roses Potluck

  • 1137 Erin Street Madison, WI, 53715 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All are welcome to the annual Bread & Roses potluck, where we remember the anniversary of the 1912 Lawrence Textile Strike (MA) and the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (NY). The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire sparked protests that shaped the labor and workers' safety movements for decades to come. The Bread and Roses strike succeeded in uniting unskilled immigrant workers from many countries speaking many languages.

Bring a dish to pass that represents your heritage...or bread, or roses.

Brief presentation about textile labor's past and present after the meal.

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